Judicial Operations Bureau
The Judicial Operations Bureau is commanded by a major and oversees nearly 300 sworn and non-sworn members. The bureau includes the Judicial Services Division which is commanded by a captain and has three sections: Criminal Court Security, Civil Court Security and Enforcement, and Court Supervision.
The Criminal Court Security Section is commanded by a lieutenant and is responsible for providing security for the judiciary at the Pinellas County Justice Center, which involves the proper screening of all persons entering the courthouse to prevent the introduction of contraband and weapons. This section’s duties also include maintaining order in and around all common public areas within and immediately adjacent to the courthouse facilities.
The Civil Court Security and Enforcement Section is commanded by a lieutenant and is responsible for overseeing the two civil courthouses in Clearwater and St. Petersburg. These courthouses have the same level of safety and security for the judiciary and screening of all visitors as the Pinellas County Justice Center. The Court Processing Unit, within the Civil Court Security and Enforcement Section, is responsible for the handling and serving of all civil process along with managing all arrest warrants countywide.
The Court Supervision Section is commanded by a lieutenant and is comprised of the Misdemeanor Probation Unit, the Alternative Sentencing Unit (ASU), and the Sexual Predator and Offender Tracking Unit (SPOT). The Misdemeanor Probation Unit is responsible for monitoring misdemeanor offenders sentenced in county court to ensure the offenders are in compliance with their court-ordered conditions. As a method to ensure offenders remain free of any controlled substances or alcohol, the unit has its own urinalysis lab to test on a random basis. The unit also provides classes such as anger management and substance abuse for offenders to assist them in understanding their behavior in an effort to reduce recidivism.
ASU consists of several programs which are responsible for supervising offenders through alternate means of incarceration. These programs include Electronic Monitoring, which tracks offenders via GPS ankle bracelets; Alcohol Monitoring, which uses Continuous Alcohol Monitors to record alcohol usage by offenders; and Supervised Release on Own Recognizance which requires offenders to check in weekly with unit members, among other conditions. Lastly, ASU operates the countywide Adult Pre-Arrest Diversion Program (APAD). The purpose of this program is to divert individuals who meet certain criteria from the criminal justice system. Participants provide community service hours to nonprofit agencies in lieu of arrest.
The SPOT Unit is responsible for monitoring and gathering intelligence on all registered sexual predators, sexual offenders, and career offenders within Pinellas County. SPOT members conduct criminal investigations and surveillance, and also conduct neighborhood notifications of all sexual predators who enter or relocate within Pinellas.