Department of Detention and Corrections
The Department of Detention and Corrections (DDC) is comprised of South Division, Central Division, North Division, and the Support and Health Services Bureau. The DDC is commanded by a colonel who directs the activities of more than 1,000 sheriff’s office members, with an annual budget exceeding $155 million. The DDC is the largest component in the sheriff’s office and oversees an average daily population of 3,000 inmates. The DDC is responsible for the care, custody, control, and general welfare of all inmates housed within the jail facility.
The South Division houses a wide variety of inmate classifications and housing styles to accommodate a population with high-profile criminal charges, disciplinary confinements, and protective custody orders. Juveniles adjudicated as adults, higher custody level males and females, and administratively segregated inmates, comprise its capacity of approximately 1,600 sentenced and non-sentenced misdemeanant and felon inmates. South Division also operates an industrial-grade kitchen capable of feeding all meals to the entire compound.
Central Division is comprised of Intake Booking and Release, Direct Supervision Housing, the laundry facility, and industrial grade kitchen, capable of feeding all meals to the entire compound. Central Division has an inmate capacity of 1,000 inmates. Central Booking and Release is responsible for the physical intake and release process of all arrestees and inmates at the Pinellas County Jail.
North Division is comprised of the Healthcare Facility, C-Barracks, and Main Control. This division houses a wide variety of inmate classifications in housing styles to accommodate general population male and female inmates, inmates with high-profile charges, disciplinary confinements, and protective custody orders. Its total bed capacity is 785. The Healthcare Facility is the department's primary housing for all inmates with severe medical and psychiatric conditions. Members assigned there work alongside medical staff who provide necessary healthcare to the inmate population.
Support and Health Services Bureau
The Support and Health Services Bureau is commanded by a major and comprised of the Support Services Division, Medical Division, and Custody Management Division. The Support Services Division is comprised of Administration, Program Services Section, Specialist Unit, Transportation Unit, Chaplain’s Office, Field Training Program, Video Visitation, Inmate Property, and Pinellas Safe Harbor. The Program Services Section is responsible for overseeing inmate programs and special projects. The Video Visitation Unit is responsible for assisting the public with scheduling and conducting inmate visits. The Inmate Property Section is tasked with the accountability, storage, security, and release of inmate personal property: clothing, wallets, purses, jewelry, etc.
The Support Services Division is comprised of Administration, Program Services Section, Specialist Unit, Transportation Unit, Chaplain’s Office, Field Training Program, Video Visitation, Inmate Property and Pinellas Safe Harbor. The division is commanded by a captain who directs the activities of 131 sworn and non-sworn members as well as 87 contracted members. The Program Services Section is responsible for overseeing inmate programs and special projects. The Video Visitation Unit is responsible for assisting the public with scheduling and conducting inmate visits. The Inmate Property Section is tasked with the accountability, storage, security, and release of inmate personal property: clothing, wallets, purses, jewelry, etc. Pinellas Safe Harbor is the agency's jail diversion homeless shelter. Pinellas Safe Harbor's goal is to provide a safe environment for the chronically homeless and reduce their involvement in the criminal justice system. The shelter has a design capacity of 400 beds.
The Medical Division is comprised of Medical Services, Dental Services, and Administrative Services. Medical Services is responsible for coordinating the medical care for an average of 3,000 inmates in the jail. Services include dental, mental health, and urgent and emergent care, as well as chronic and preventative care. Patients are medically screened upon entry into the system. Depending on their health needs, patients may be referred for further services. Mental health services supplied by a third party provider include crisis intervention, psychotropic medication management, individual counseling, and referral of inmates with needs beyond those that can be provided on-site. Dental services are also available and include immediate access for urgent or painful dental conditions, education and instruction in oral hygiene, and preventative care.
The Custody Management Division is comprised of the Classification Section, Inmate Records Section, and Detention Investigations Unit. The Classification Section is responsible for assigning inmate housing and work details. The Inmate Records Section is responsible for reviewing, processing, and maintaining commitment documentation for each inmate/detainee within the Pinellas County Jail, as well as documenting and processing all inmate releases. The Detention Investigations Unit’s primary responsibility is to investigate crimes that occur within the Pinellas County Jail.