The Investigative Operations Bureau is comprised of three divisions: the Criminal Investigations Division, the Narcotics Division, and the Threat Management Division. The bureau is commanded by a major and has a total staff of over 250 sworn and non-sworn members.
The Criminal Investigations Division is broken down into three sections: Property Crimes, Crimes Against Persons, and Tactical Investigations. The following units are assigned to the Property Crimes Section: Burglary and Pawn, Digital Forensics Unit, and Economic Crimes. The following units are assigned to the Crimes Against Persons Section: Robbery and Homicide, and Crimes Against Children. The units in the Criminal Investigations Division are highly specialized, and investigate criminal activity related to each specific discipline.
The Narcotics Division is responsible for investigating narcotics-related crimes from street-level drug dealing to complex drug conspiracy investigations. These investigations are often broad and expand beyond the sheriff’s office jurisdiction, requiring partnerships with local and federal agencies such as High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA).
The Threat Management Division is comprised of several components and functions including threat management, threat assessment, mass casualty planning, and the agency’s Mental Health Unit. The primary objective of the division is to promote collaboration to proactively identify, assess, and manage persons of concern and remove them from the pathway to violence.